medicina generale

General Medicine

What is General Medicine?

General Medicine diagnoses each type of disease in a primary phase, when the first symptoms and pain arise: based on the severity of the latter, the doctor can recommend treatments or recommend carrying out tests and visits to a specific specialist. Furthermore, you can contact a specialist in general medicine for a simple consultation to prevent any type of pathology.

General Medicine in MediClinic

General Medicine deals with pathologies or problems relating to the patient’s general state of health, providing a possible diagnosis and a possible diagnostic procedure to identify the causes of the problem.

In MediClinic it is possible to undergo a personalized general medicine evaluation in a short time. At the end of the visit the patient may need other services which, depending on availability, can be carried out immediately in a path dedicated to the patient who will be able to carry out more exams, evaluations or investigations in a short time (e.g. x-ray, CT, ultrasound. .).


MediClinic activates the new PERSONALIZED GENERAL MEDICINE clinic by making more doctors available for a personalized visit based on the patient’s needs.

Access to the service can be made by telephone booking or by going directly to the reception and ask for a booking.

The clinic is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 2.30pm.

If necessary, the patient will be able to access the requested services quickly or the patient can choose to contact other healthcare facilities.

Patients from the age of 6 can be examined.

Prenota Visita

Outpatient care

General Medicine

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