
Frequently Asked Questions

We like to have the answer ready

Media support2022-09-01T07:35:59+00:00

The CD / DVD contains the report and images relating to the diagnostic services performed. To view the contents of the CD / DVD it is necessary to explore its contents and access the Home.html file. The access modalities are different according to the operating system in use.

Windows users

  • access the disc via “My Computer” or open the contents of the disc via the “open folder to view files” icon of the pop-up menu that appears when the CD / DVD is inserted
  • locate the “Home.html” file
  • open it with a double click
  • follow the instructions on the pages to view the report and the images in JPG format

MacOSX users

  • access the disc through the Finder
  • locate the “Home.html” file
  • open it with a double click
  • follow the instructions on the pages to view the report and the images in JPG format

Linux users

  • access the disc through the File Manager in use
  • locate the “Home.html” file
  • open it and follow the instructions on the pages to view the report and the images in JPG format

Advanced mode

The above mode allows the display of images for consultation purposes. The disc also contains DICOM images, which can be viewed via the advanced viewer.

To view them with the Windows system there is a DICOM viewer on the CD / DVD which is activated by double clicking on the “Viewer.bat” icon.

For users of other operating systems, who do not have a DICOM viewer, we recommend the use of OSIRIX for MacOSX and AESKULAP for Linux systems, both of which are freely downloadable from the Internet.

Compliance with safety rules2022-09-01T07:43:39+00:00

The patient has a duty to comply with all safety warning signs. The security provisions in force include:

  1. the duty not to access areas where access is expressly prohibited
  2. the duty not to leave the place of destination without authorization
  3. the duty not to approach or touch electrical equipment
  4. in case of alarm, it is necessary to follow the instructions received from the staff. If it is necessary to evacuate the clinic, the nearest emergency exits must be identified and the collection point in the parking lot must be reached.
Prohibition of photographic shots / filmmaking2022-09-01T07:42:50+00:00

Users are prohibited from filming people, environments and equipment within MediClinic with movie cameras, cameras or cell phones, unless specifically requested by the Medical Management.

Use of mobile phones2022-09-01T07:42:24+00:00

Users are forbidden from using mobile phones inside the doctor’s office, hospital rooms, operating block and diagnostic rooms.

Respect the paths reserved for patients2022-09-01T14:35:24+00:00

It is appropriate for patients and visitors to move within MediClinic using the paths reserved for them, directly reaching the sites of interest. The health personnel, as far as they are concerned, are invited to enforce the rules set out for the good performance of the ward and the well-being of the citizen. The user has the right to receive correct information on the organization of MediClinic, but it is also his/her precise duty to inquire about appropriate times and locations.

No smoking2022-09-01T07:40:11+00:00

At MediClinic smoking is prohibited. Respect for this provision is an act of acceptance of the presence of others and a healthy personal lifestyle in the structure.

Visits to patients2022-09-01T07:41:25+00:00

For hygienic and sanitary reasons, it is essential to avoid crowding around the bed. To protect children’s health and safety, visits by minors under the age of twelve are not recommended. Exceptional situations of particular emotional impact can be considered by contacting the medical staff of the department.

In situations of particular need, visits inpatients, outside the set time, must be authorized with written permission issued by the Medical Director or by a person delegated by him. In this case, the authorized family member must comply with the rules of the clinic and respect the hospital environment, while promoting maximum collaboration with health professionals. In consideration of being part of a community, it is appropriate to avoid any behaviour that could create disturbing or uncomfortable situations for other patients (noises, high-volume music, etc.).

It is a duty to respect the rest of other patients. For those wishing to carry out any recreational activities, the living rooms located inside the structure are available.

Respect the operating hours2022-09-01T07:44:59+00:00

Each MediClinic user is called to respect the visiting hours established by the Medical Management, in order to allow the execution of the normal therapeutic assistance activity and to promote the peace and rest of other patients. The organization and times provided by MediClinic must be respected in all circumstances. The health services requested in incorrect times and ways cause a significant disservice for all users.

Respect for the environment2022-09-01T07:45:43+00:00

Every user is required to respect the environments, equipment and furnishings that are located within MediClinic, considering the same assets as belonging to everyone and therefore to them as well.

Refusal of treatment2022-09-01T07:46:11+00:00

Every patient has the duty to promptly inform the health professionals of their intention to refuse scheduled health services and treatments to avoid waste of time and resources.

Collaboration with the medical staff2022-09-01T07:46:49+00:00

The user is asked to collaborate with the medical, nursing, technical staff and with the management of the facility. Access to MediClinic expresses by the user a relationship of trust and respect towards healthcare personnel, an indispensable prerequisite for setting up a correct therapeutic and care program. The user has the duty to provide clear and precise information about his or her health condition, past admissions and therapies performed.

Responsible behavior2022-09-01T07:47:23+00:00

When accessing MediClinic, users are invited to behave responsibly at any time, respecting and understanding the rights of other users.

Medical reports2022-09-01T14:31:57+00:00
  1. Outpatient consults: at the time of the visit
  2. Radiology exam: 4 to 5 days
  3. Laboratory exams: 1 to 5 days for routine exams to a maximum of 10 days for more complex exams
  4. Medical record: 30 days after receiving the patient’s request; the withdrawal of the folder can be performed by the person concerned or, with authorization, by a delegate
Before surgery2022-09-01T14:29:33+00:00

The waiting list for surgery is managed by the same physician who performed the specialist consult and provided indication for surgery.

The user has the full right to receive all the clarifications that he or she deems appropriate, by both medical and nursing staff according to their respective skills.

Surgeries and invasive procedures require the collection of the informed consent: after an appropriate interview, the specialist doctor verifies the user’s understanding of the obtained information and collects the consent on specific forms (a general consent and a specific consent, as required by current legislation).

Admission is always performed on an outpatient basis and thanks to the innovative technologies and the competence of the health personnel, it allows the user to be safely discharged on the same day of surgery. The preoperative evaluation (blood chemistry exam, radiological tests, anesthesiological evaluation and any further tests required by the specialist doctor) is performed at MediClinic approximately one week before surgery.

While at MediClinic, carers can make use of dedicated waiting rooms, with greater privacy and a more effective proximity and care for their loved ones. At the time of discharge, a detailed clinical report will be issued to the patient, addressed to the attending physician, which includes the results of the preoperative evaluation, the surgical procedure undergone by the patient, any post- operative indications and therapy. It is also possible to ask the administrative staff for a copy of the medical record (paid service). Even after discharge, specialist doctors follow the patient for a correct post-operative and collaborate with the general practitioner to ensure continuity of care and appropriate treatment.

Terms of payment2022-09-01T14:29:02+00:00
  1. Cash (for amounts up to € 2,999.99)
  2. Credit Card / POS (excluding American express)
  3. Check
  4. Bank transfer
  5. Deferred payment with credit card
How to request an appointment2022-09-01T14:34:18+00:00

The reception staff will provide detailed information on the times of specialist services, their costs, names of the doctors and waiting times.

Access to outpatient, diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical activities takes place upon reservation:

  • by telephone, through the switchboard number +39 0429 772906
  • directly at MediClinic’s front desk
  • online from the service portal

Cancelation of reservations is possible through the above-mentioned options.

Some specialist services require adequate preparation, which will be communicated at the time of booking. It is possible to read all the information regarding the exam or consult by consulting the appropriate form in the Services section of this site.

MediClinic guarantees equality in the provision of consults and exams also to patients from other regions and other states. For more information, these Users can contact the administrative staff. Upon access to the facility, both for admission and for individual diagnostic-therapeutic services, the patient should bring:

  • health insurance card
  • Italian Fiscal Code (if available)
  • a valid identity document
  • all the pertinent past medical findings (medical records, diagnostic tests, prescriptions of past therapies), certifying any ongoing therapy.

Users can access the services provided by MediClinic only in a private regime.

Customer Relations Office2022-09-01T14:30:52+00:00

The Customer Relations Office, located in the Medical Director Department, is a listening point at the service of users who wish to present commendations, suggestions, comments and complaints.

  1. the personal data of the interested party (name, surname, address and telephone number)
  2. an adequate description of the reported event
  3. the complainant’s signature

MediClinic is committed to reply on the basis of an internal investigation within 90 days from the reception of the complaint. More detailed information may possibly be requested from the Medical Director Department.

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