Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic resonance imaging is a safe and harmless diagnostic procedure that generates high and very high definition images of the human anatomy through a low magnetic field modulated by radio waves. It is based on the observation of the behavior of subatomic particles hit by a magnetic field. Its large-scale use dates back to the early 1980s, to date there is no evidence of harmful biological effects on patients and operators.
MediClinic has three magnetic resonance imaging devices, designed to eliminate any sensation of claustrophobia and to make the examination comfortable even for patients who are in pain. At MediClinic, the patient who undergoes an MRI study performs a preliminary interview with an specialist doctor, who studies the past medical records, collects the radiological medical history and assesses the patient’s suitability for carrying out the examination. The MRI study lasts about 30 minutes on average, during which the patient is constantly assisted by qualified radiology technologist. The radiology specialist monitors the patient’s path and the correct execution of each procedure “from booking to medical report”, as a maximum guarantee of protection of the patient’s health and privacy and in compliance with the doctor-patient relationship, the pivot of our efforts.
The peculiarities of the High Field MRI
MediClinic pays close attention to patients, in particular to those suffering from claustrophobia or tension caused by the positioning or the equipment. This is the reason why at MediClinic the patient can benefit from the color therapy that helps relaxing while undergoing the examination. The staff is also particularly trained in taking care of those who perform the exam, assisting the patient throughout the examination and also providing masks and headphones for better visual and acoustic protection.
Who should schedule this appointment?
The MRI is the preferred method in the study of the musculoskeletal system, becoming essential in the study of the joints, particularly suitable for the repetition of examinations within a short period of time and for young patients. In acute, chronic and post-traumatic inflammatory joint and muscle-tendon pain, it constitutes the basic diagnostic examination to plan strategies and therapeutic choices aimed at obtaining the best healing in the shortest possible time. Through the “high magnetic field” resonance (1.5 Tesla) it is also possible to carefully study all the other anatomical districts:
- Skull and brain
- Neck and thyroid
- Chest and lungs
- Heart
- Breasts
- Abdomen (liver, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, stomach and intestine)
- Pelvic cavity (prostate, uterus, ovaries and tubes)
- Cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine and sacrum
- Pelvis and hips
- Joints (hand, foot, ankle, knee, shoulder, elbow)
Why choose MediClinic?
MediClinic è una clinica di eccellenza in diagnosi e terapia delle lesioni traumatiche e delle patologie infiammatorie di ginocchio, spalla, colonna vertebrale, caviglia, mano, polso, piede, anca, gomito, muscoli e tendini, non solo per i potenti mezzi tecnici e tecnologici d’avanguardia di cui si è dotata ma anche, e soprattutto, per l’elevata professionalità dei suoi Specialisti in radiologia dello sport, chirurgia dei traumi sportivi e riabilitazione dell’atleta agonista. Ma anche la disponibilità di una nuova e potente risonanza magnetica di 1,5 Tesla consente degli studi ad altissima risoluzione di tutti gli altri organi e apparati del corpoMediClinic is a clinic of excellence in the diagnosis and therapy of traumatic injuries and inflammatory diseases of the knee, shoulder, spine, ankle, hand, wrist, foot, hip, elbow, muscles and tendons, not only for the state of the art technological equipment but also, and above all, for the high professionalism of its Specialists in sports radiology, sports trauma surgery and rehabilitation of competitive athlete. The availability of a new and powerful 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner allows very high resolution studies of all the other organs and systems of the body..
The equipment
MediClinic has adopted three diagnostic systems for magnetic resonance imaging:
- 0.25 Tesla Esaote S-scan
- 0.31 Tesla Esaote O-scan
- 1.5 Tesla Siemens Magnetom Aera
There are therefore different types of magnetic resonance scanners, which differ based on to the power of the produced magnetic field. The instruments chosen by MediClinic are able to provide accurate information on ALL anatomical districts that need to be studied. Compared to the classical magnetic resonance imaging, which force the patient to keep still in a very limited space for a long period of time, the magnetic resonance systems available are either open or semi-open, making them suitable also for patients suffering from claustrophobia.