Posizione ricoperta

Esperienza professionale

2006 private center affiliated with CEMES. Experience with acute and chronic orthopedic and trauma patients. Experience with neurological patients.

2008 Collaboration experiences with associated practices and gyms in the orthopedic-traumatology field.

2011/2016 iuldm onlus. Experience with chronic neurological patients.

2016 /2017 collaboration with INVICTUS, movement analysis center.

Istruzione e formazione

2008/2009: Master in manual therapy and rehabilitation
musculoskeletal. But you d” live! or 6 cret.iti CF duration 8 i and i
The course is compulsory and requires the achievement of 62 university credits, corresponding to 1550 hours of total commitment, including theoretical-practical lessons, internship and individual study.

2004/ 2005 nurezdo in Asieterupiar C1ilibí;tU 100/110. Thesis title
: “Analysis of the main somatic dysfunctions in relation to postural disorders: the importance of a global approach in rehabilitation” (compilation thesis).

1999/2000 — 2001/2002: I attended the degree course in Molecular Biology at the MM.FF.NN Faculty of Sciences for 2 years. Regular student. Exams taken:16.


Gruppi e Progetti

Conferenze / Seminari

I nostri Specialisti in Rehabilitation