Posizione ricoperta

Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology

Esperienza professionale

He has been working as a freelance dermatologist since 1990 in his own practice located in Ferrara in via A.Lollio,5
In the two-year period 1991/1992 he completed the theoretical-practical internship for the specific compulsory training in General Medicine according to the methods and standards established by the D.I. 10/10/1988, reporting the final rating of 40/50.
He has published in scientific journals and has presented communications at conferences in the dermatological field as a speaker.
He worked as a substitute general practitioner at various local health authorities from 1987 to 1993.
He worked as an on-call and substitute doctor at the holiday, pre-holiday and night-time emergency medical service at the local health authority in Ferrara.
He worked as a doctor at the Tourist Medical Service at the USL of Codigoro in 1991.
He has worked as a tax doctor on behalf of the INPS from 1991 to the present.
He taught Dermatology at the School for Professional Nursing managed by the Local Health Authority of Ferrara from the course year 90/91 to 97/98.
He won the Public Competition for qualifications at USL 31 of Ferrara for the assignment of the scholarship “Prevention and early diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma”, carrying out this activity at the Dermatology Clinic of Ferrara from 01/01/1993 to 12/31/ 1993
He carried out specialist outpatient activities as a substitute in the Dermatology branch in the USL districts of Ferrara (ex 31,32,33,30), Rovigo, Villafranca di Verona, Cologna Veneta, Chioggia, also for protracted periods and with contracts on a fixed-term basis from 1990 to 2001
From 04/01/2001 to 2006 he was employed as a fixed-term outpatient specialist in Dermatology at ASL14 Chioggia and ASL21 Legnago for a total of 37 hours per week –
From 04/12/1996 to 05/31/2007 he was appointed as a Dermatologist specialist at the Ferrara prison carrying out consultancy activities.
From 01/09/2006 to 02/12/2015 he was a permanent holder in the branch of Dermatology in USLL 14 (19 hours per week) and USLL 21 (14.5 hours per week).
Since 03/12/2015 he has been a permanent outpatient specialist at the USL Ferrara company for 36 hours per week.

Istruzione e formazione

He graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Bologna on 11/07/1986 with 95/110 points, discussing a thesis entitled “Physiotherapeutic aspects in Sports Medicine” with Chiar.mo Prof. A. Mercurial.
He qualified for professional practice in the second session of 1986 with marks of 102/110.
He specialized in Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Ferrara on 12/07/1990 with marks of 70/70 with honours.
He has been registered with the Medical Association of the province of Ferrara since 01/21/1987 under no. 2932


Gruppi e Progetti

Conferenze / Seminari

I nostri Specialisti in Dermatology - Venereology