The Dermatology department in MediClinic can offer diagnosis and treatments for skin pathologies, using the most recent technologies and techniques available. We can treat both clinical or aesthetic disorders and, if necessary, we can have support to the dermatology surgeons, for all those cases that need to be treated surgically.
Who should schedule this appointment?
We can treat all those patients affect by cutaneous neoformations, that can have aesthetic or clinical issues for the patient; moreover, we can treat patients affected by dermatologic diseases.
To get an accurate diagnosis, it is essential using adequate tools. In this way, the doctor can decide for the best surgical or conservative treatment. In our department, it is possible to perform a body mole map: this exam is very important, especially in case of several and risky moles. Our dermatologist can also treat pathologies like acne, lupus, scleroderma and psoriasis. Even in those cases, the most important aspect is an appropriate diagnosis that can lead to an effective and focused treatment.
At the dermatology department, it is possible to perform also aesthetic treatments, like toxin applications or cutaneous fillers. We recommend our patients to perform an aesthetic treatment with a dermatologist, not only for the technical difficulty, but also for the management of possible complications that can occur.
Our dermatologists can treat the skin ulcers. According to the type of ulcer, the doctor evaluate the best type of treatment to prefer: this include a series of possible actions that need to be selected and combined correctly.
The skin ulcer usually has not standard parameters. Every time that the doctor visits the patient, he has to conform the treatment and the dressing to the medical case. Usually, patients affected by this problem need ongoing treatments and need to schedule a follow-up every one or two weeks. The know-how of the dermatologist is essential. Usually, the compression bandages are useful to soothe pain in patient affected by skin ulcer. The compression of the bandages can be more or less strong, according to what is the outbreak factor that lays on the basis of the medical case.
To treat the ulcer, the doctor applies a bandage that has particular absorbing, antiseptic and non-adhesive features: the doctor has to modulate the bandage according to patient reaction.
In the most serious cases, the doctor can evaluate a with bioengineered draft tissue that will reactivate a normal condition: this process will active the ulcer recovery process. Alternatively, the doctor can evaluate a draft with skin taken by the patient.
The percentage of patient needing a surgical treatment is low and the doctor evaluate the medical case and its complexity before deciding if it is necessary to undergo surgery.
The diseases associated with a lower limb ulcer are several: cardiovascular disease (venous and arterial insufficiency), dysmetabolic pathologies (diabetes, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis). Each pathology has its features, its symptoms and its treatments. The treatment of a patient affect by lower limbs ulcer can require the cooperation of a team of doctors like the internist, the vascular surgeon, the plastic surgeon, the cardiac surgeon and the diabetologist. The multidisciplinary approach allows to obtain the best results for the patient.
Diagnostic tools
The dermatology department in MediClinic has the best avantgarde instruments, like the VIDIX videodermatoscopy produced by Medici Medical. This machinery allows the doctor to get different framings, to save and file images, as to have the possibility to studying the pathology evolution in time.
To perform the exam, the doctor applies on the skin an oil or an ultrasound gel, in order to increase the skin transparency. The videodermatoscopy casts a polarized light on the skin, that allows to examine both the superficial and the deep structures. This is essential to evaluate if the neoformation is benignant or malignant, and allow to distinguish between melanocytic and non-melanocytic pigmented lesions. This is a non-invasive and painless exam; it does not provoke side effects and it does not need a preparation.
Why choose MediClinic?
Doctors are MediClinic key factors: the structure and its technology innovation are additional to the knowledge and to the know-how of the people who works in it. In MediClinic the patient can count on an experienced dermatology team that collaborate with other specialists for the diagnosis and the treatment.