New prevention protocol against Coronavirus

MediClinic carries out all the preventive changes in order to prevent the Coronavirus, focusing its efforts in safeguarding patients and workers.

MediClinic has always paid particular attention to hygiene and health, but in this particular moment we decided to intensify the environment sanitization protocol.

In order to avoid assemblages, the first step we did was decreasing the patients’ accesses to the facility, creating a buffer of 15-20 minutes in each agenda. After that, we buoght an ozone generator, which saturates the air with high ozone percentages and destructs viruses like the COVID-19.

Then, we increased all safety measures in all the steps of the stay in Mediclinic that you can watch also in a video CLICKING HERE:

  • 1st Step – At the doorway, an operator measures the body heat to all the people, to evaluate if they can access. Moreover, he/she provides gloves and masks to those people who do not have them.
  • 2nd Step – At the front desk, we placed protective sneeze guards, in order to protect the patient and the worker when registering the personal data.
  • 3rd Step – In the most strategic points, we placed the Steriplus nebulizers, that guarantee a total hands hygiene for patients and workers.
  • 4th Step – The armchairs in the waiting room has been placed to guarantee the interpersonal distance of 3 feet.
  • 5th Step – We provided white coats, FFP2 masks and disposable gloves to all the operators working in the facility, in order to prevent risky contacts.

Starting from the beginning, MediClinic has been particularly careful not only to the patient health, but also to the environmental health.

The ACTIVE tiles made of Flanders granite, emanate anti-bacterial active oxygen when lighted up by the sunlight; moreover, we painted all the other surfaces with silver salt paints, produced by Sikkens Alpha SanoProtex, that allow to respect the environment and, at the same time, to help in the contagion spreading prevention.

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