October in pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Importance of Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening is a fundamental aspect of women’s health. It allows for the early detection of potential breast conditions, such as tumors, significantly increasing the chances of timely diagnosis and effective treatment.

Thanks to the growing awareness of prevention and the availability of specific screenings, more and more women are realizing the importance of regular breast examinations. This is crucial for preserving one’s health and preventing potential complications related to breast conditions.

Breast cancer screening is a significant investment in one’s health and well-being. It should not be underestimated; instead, it should be addressed promptly and regularly to prevent potential complications related to breast cancer.

Discover Our Package

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, MediClinic has created a comprehensive package for €109. The package includes:

  • Breast examination
  • Ultrasound
  • Mammography

This offer is valid for all packages performed during the month of October!

Mammography: The Cornerstone of Prevention

Mammography is a diagnostic exam that, when performed correctly, can detect breast conditions.

For this reason, it is highly recommended, especially after a certain age. In fact, if breast conditions are detected early, the chances of successful treatment increase significantly.

How is a Mammography Performed?

A mammogram involves a physical examination with manual palpation to identify any abnormalities, such as lumps. Following the examination, a diagnostic screening is performed using a low dose of X-rays, which can highlight any perceived abnormalities or detect other conditions.


According to the Italian Ministry of Health, in 2022, there were approximately 55,700 new diagnoses of breast cancer in women.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and is steadily increasing among women aged 45-49, although mortality rates are decreasing by almost 1% per year. Some studies suggest that mammograms performed during the menstrual cycle may be more effective, but this hypothesis is not confirmed by all specialists.

At What Age Should I Get a Mammogram?

In the absence of any particular symptoms that would warrant an earlier mammogram, screening can begin around the age of 30-35, perhaps in conjunction with an ultrasound. In younger women, glandular tissue is denser, making mammograms less readable. From the age of 40 onwards, it is advisable to have regular screenings. It has been proven that breast cancers detected early through adequate prevention have a better prognosis, especially when combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

How Often Should I Get a Mammogram?

Having established that it is never too early to undergo this exam, you might wonder how often a mammogram should be performed.

This can vary depending on age and specific conditions. In younger women, an examination every 2-3 years may be sufficient, in the absence of any factors requiring more frequent screenings.

However, after the age of 40-45, annual screenings are recommended. Other factors that may influence frequency include a family history of breast or reproductive system cancers and the presence of other medical conditions.

Frequent mammograms have no side effects. The amount of radiation exposure has been significantly reduced compared to the past, minimizing any potential risks. Moreover, it has been observed that only during puberty can this type of radiation potentially cause new, risky formations.

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